Speedo Elite Pullbuoy
The Speedo Elite Pullbuoy gives you a great way to improve your swim performance and technique. The way it does this is that it fits between your legs under your crutch. You squeeze and hold the buoy so that it remains in place.
As you swim you keep the buoy in place and this inhibits your natural leg movement. As your legs don’t kick your lower body has a tendency to sink. The floatation of the buoy prevents this, keeping you in good swimming posture.
With your legs in this controlled position you focus attention working on your arms, creating strength, technique and style. The buoy has a non-symmetrical shape, bigger at one end. This larger end is placed between your legs so that it faces to the front of your body.
Coming with great design pedigree the buoy maximises your training to quickly improve your swim performance. Check our full range of Swim Accessories at Manly Surfboards>Swim Accessories.
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