Redback Skimboard Bag
The Redback Skimboard Bag is the best way to get around with your Skimboard. While a Skimboard isn’t as big as a surfboard its narrow profile and hard material can cause problems. The narrow rail shape will quickly become uncomfortable in your hand. Also if you bang the board against your leg or arm the narrower edge is likely to hurt. Waxing your Skimboard to enhance traction is also a key function. However if you’re using your car for transport the wax can cause problems. It can rub off against the seats and carpet. Or worse, it can melt off in the sun becoming difficult to remove. If you’ve got mate’s boards and gear in the car the wax can end up getting onto board bottoms that will slow them down. So the Redback Skimboards Australia Bag is the perfect way to get your Skimboard to and from the beach with protection. Whether by hand or by car.
Construction of the Redback Skimboard Bag is of 600 Grade Denier nylon. This is a super heavy-duty long wearing material. So while light, it’s rugged, strong and rip resistant. On the interior, while wax my rub off, it won’t soak up the wax so won’t gain weight or be too heavy. Sealing the bag is a robust zip. It opens the bag wide so it’s easy to get your board in and out. You can zip it open and your board will slip into your hand. The zip is long running and designed to stand up to the rigours of beach use and salt exposure. The Bag features the striking Redback decal and artwork on the front. It will fit most Skimboards up to 41″ in length.Β Check our full range of Redback Skimboards Australia boards & Accessories at Manly Surfboards>Skimboards
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