Creatures Icon Coiled Bodyboard Wrist Leash


The Creatures Coiled Bodyboard Wrist Leash is great value with 7mm cord and lightweight cuff. It’s strong and robust while being lightweight. So you can get used to having a leash on your wrist


Creatures Icon Coiled Bodyboard Wrist Leash

The Creatures Icon Coiled Bodyboard Wrist Leash is an entry level value leash to start your bodyboarding experience. The cuff has generous neoprene padding so it’s comfortable. It’s also lightweight so you’re not carrying any extra weight. This will help you get used to having a leash on your wrists. The Icon coiled cord is 7mm diameter so it’s robust. Most cords are 6mm or less. Being coiled there’s no long straight section to get caught up. The cord contracts to be as compact as possible out of your way when paddling. There’s a tab release on the Creatures Icon Coiled Wrist Leash so you can get free of your board if needed. This is important if you get caught up with another surfer and need to untangle or if you need to bail out in a dangerous situation

Note, while offering great value the Creatures Coiled Wrist Leash doesn’t include a swivel so the cord could tend to twist up. It comes in an assortment of colours. As a Beginner, safety while having fun is what bodyboarding is all about.

The leash keeps you from losing your board, from doing too much swimming or getting into trouble in deeper water. The leash gives you the confidence to go for big moves whenever you like. So you spend more time surfing. The wrist leash, once fitted, stays right where you put it.

The Creatures Icon Coiled Wrist Leash is great value and using quality materials in its construction.It comes in a range of eye popping colours too. Check our range of Bodyboard Gear at Manly Surfboards>Bodyboarding

  • 7mm cord diameter is strong
  • Super comfy padded cuff
  • Quick release tab for safety

Additional information

Weight .25 kg
Dimensions 20 × 20 × 10 cm


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