Booger Surfboard Wax


The Booger Surfboard Wax gives you special Bodyboarding formula that’s also eco friendly. Retains its stick even after melt

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Booger Surfboard Wax

The Booger Surfboard Wax gives you great traction for your Bodyboard. This wax uses a special formula to make it ideal for Bodyboards. With Bodyboards having a soft deck a special wax is needed so as not to damage the board and for the wax to be retained.

Ben Player, 3 times World Bodyboard Champion says, β€œI’ve been testing the wax for six months now. Easy to apply, stays on, and doesn’t leave that greasy feeling if heated like most regular waxes. I love it.”

So this wax is soft. It’s easy to apply only needing a limited amount of pressure. Going over areas several times the wax will accumulate so you won’t be sliding around and your hands will have grip.

Other waxes, if they’re too hard they’ll not adhere to the deck. There’s also the danger that hard wax block will mark and score or dent the deck. This is very easy to do so it’s important to use the right wax. As Ben says it’s common for wax, once left in the sun or the heat of your car to become slippery once it hardens.

Designed specifically for Bodyboards and tested by a World Champion. This wax has all the features to give you great surfing. Its formula also is eco friendly. Check our full range of Surf Gear at Manly Surfboards>Surf Gear

Additional information

Weight .25 kg
Dimensions 10 × 10 × 5 cm


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